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Friday's Fast Five: Week of 11.18

Fed Vice Chair Brainard says it may ‘soon’ be appropriate to move to slower pace of rate hikes (CNBC): With markets expecting a likely step down in December from the Fed’s rapid pace of rate increases this year, Brainard confirmed that a slowdown if not a stop is looming.

A comprehensive guide to how Elon Musk is changing Twitter (Vox): Elon Musk has only been in charge of Twitter since late October. But already, he’s turned the company and its platform upside down.

Revenge of the Dow (The Irrelevant Investor): Change is the only constant variable in the market. Startups mature. Incumbents become complacent. Markets get saturated. And so turnover at the top is inevitable. It’s only a matter of time before the king loses his crown.

Crypto peaked a year ago — investors have lost more than $2 trillion since (CNBC):  A year ago this week, investors were describing bitcoin as the future of money and ethereum as the world’s most important developer tool. Non-fungible tokens were exploding, Coinbase was trading at a record and the NBA’s Miami Heat was just into its first full season in the newly renamed FTX Arena. As it turns out, that was peak crypto.

Breaking Down the US Midterm Elections: What’s Next for Policy, Markets and Economic Growth?  - Podcast (Goldman Sachs): What does a divided Congress mean for policy, markets and economic growth? In the latest episode of Exchanges at Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs Research’s Alec Phillips and the Office of Government Affairs’ Joe Wall analyze the results of the U.S. midterm elections and the impact for policy and economic growth.