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Friday's Fast Five: Week of 7.1

Yes, NFTs can be taxed, too (Barron's): Collectors went on a bender buying nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, last year, driving up sales to $24.9 billion from $94.9 million in 2020, according to industry publication DappRadar, and many are only now realizing that an unexpected guest wants in on the fun: the Internal Revenue Service.

How Safe Are Systems Like Tesla’s Autopilot? No One Knows. (New York Times): Tesla publishes a safety report every three months on its Autopilot driver-assistance system, but experts say the report does not provide a complete picture.

Should Bitcoin Be in Your 401(k)? Fidelity Is Making It Possible—for Better or Worse. (Barron's): It’s a milestone for crypto and could be a big win for Fidelity. Yet it’s also likely to trigger a regulatory battle over Bitcoin’s suitability for company-sponsored savings plans—and it raises questions about whether investors should own any cryptocurrency at all.

Parents Are Buying Homes for Kids Priced Out of the Housing Market (Advisor Perspectives): Even as the US real estate market shows signs of cooling, inflation and higher interest rates are making it difficult for young house hunters to buy properties — at least on their own.

Here are 2021's Most Overpaid CEOs (Fortune): The gap between executive compensation and other workers is getting wider than ever in some companies—but investor appetite for that seems to be waning.