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Friday's Fast Five: Week of 9.23

Electric Vehicles Took Off. Car Makers Weren’t Ready (The Wall Street Journal): More buyers are lining up for EVs, catching car companies flat-footed and triggering a race for more batteries, factories and materials

For Gen Z, TikTok Is the New Search Engine (The New York Times): Need to find a restaurant or figure out how to do something? Young people are turning to TikTok to search for answers. Google has noticed.

The "Data-Dependent" Fed and the Data (The Overshoot): Like the rest of us, Fed officials are trying to make decisions based on what they think will happen, but they only have information about what has already happened. Imagination and flexibility are required to fill in the gaps and compensate for the inevitable errors of interpretation.

The Ethereum Network Just Experienced a Monumental Development  (Odd Lots - Podcast):  For years, it's been on the Ethereum roadmap to transition its blockchain from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake. Well, it's finally happened. This means that there are no more "miners" validating blocks on the Ethereum network. Instead, they've been replaced with "stakers" or "validators" who manage the network's rules by posting coins as a type of bond or security deposit. Why is that such a big deal for the industry?

Gallery: 11 otherworldly photos of land, sea and sky at night (Ted Ideas): New, high-resolution footage of the Titanic offers a glimpse into the ambitions of the deep-sea tourism industry. Tourists paid $250,000 to take a submersible to view the wreckage.